candycrushsodasagaplayonline| Rebar market: Consumption increased by 13-14% in April, limited supply increase attracted attention


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The contradiction between supply and demand in rebar market has become the focus of attention.CandycrushsodasagaplayonlineThe consumption increment is expected to be stronger than the supply increment in April as consumption gradually picks up, the rebar market demand increases significantly in April, and the expected input volume will reach more than 19 million tons, an increase of 7-8% month-on-month, while the consumption increment space may reach 13-14%. Production in the first quarter fell by more than 6 million tons compared with the same period last year, and inventory highs were significantly higher than in the past two years. Driven by destocking, the contradiction between supply and demand in the market is expected to be alleviated, providing potential opportunities for investors.

candycrushsodasagaplayonline| Rebar market: Consumption increased by 13-14% in April, limited supply increase attracted attention

Text of news flash

The demand growth of rebar drives the market attention, and the supply growth is limited or becomes the focus.

The amount of resources put into the rebar market in April is expected to reach more than 19 million tons, an increase of 7-8% month-on-month, while the consumption increment space may reach 13-14%. This contradiction between supply and demandCandycrushsodasagaplayonlineContinuous digestion may become the focus of investors in the secondary market.

At the beginning of this year, the reduction of demand for building materials and profits of steel mills led to restrictions on rebar production. Small sample data show that production has continued to decline since mid-March, with overall production falling by more than 6 million tons in the first quarter compared with the same period a year earlier. At the same time, factory inventory reached a high of 3.9 million tons, significantly higher than in the past two years.

According to statistics from Mysteel, the total amount of rebar resources in circulation fell 13% in the first quarter from the same period last year, reaching 51.48 million tons. The proportion of resource reduction in the local market is the highest, reaching 72%.Candycrushsodasagaplayonline.5%. In terms of consumption, rebar consumption decreased by 18% in the first quarter compared with the same period last year, of which East China decreased by more than 5 million tons, or 23%.

Since April, as consumption has gradually picked up, the decline in steel mill inventory has accelerated. Despite the fall in raw material prices, the profits of long-process steel mills are expanding slowly. The supply of market resources is expected to recover in April, but the output increment of steel mills is still limited.

Driven by destocking, consumption increment is expected to be significantly stronger than supply increment in April. This may alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand accumulated in the early stage of rebar and provide potential market opportunities for investors.

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